Monday, July 11, 2011

My Own Research

So I've been doing some research this week and here are two things that I have found:

  • I have found many cases of people diagnosed with small atrial myxomas that actually turned out to be a thrombus (blood clot).  My doctor won't officially diagnose me with a myxoma as of yet, so that gives me hope that he might still have a small part of him that wonders if this could be a thrombus instead.  I won't get my hopes up too much, but I do like to know that this is a possibility.
  • I've been reading up on these complicated migraines--aura migraines.  From what I've read they are almost identical in initial symptoms as a TIA and many doctors have a hard time, if not impossible time, in differentiating between this type of migraine and a TIA.  This type of migraine often doesn't even involve a headache at all.  I'm still reading up on these, but it's certainly interesting that no one my never really know if I had a TIA or an aura migraine.
And here's my last musing for tonight...I got a massive mosquito bite tonight at the park.  And I'm wondering, since my blood is full of rat poison now (Coumadin) did the mosquito just get some payback by biting me?  =) 

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